km 15. Hospital San Silvestre

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km 15. Hospital San Silvestre

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Categories: Hospital

Where is located? -17.89562,-63.28796 (GPS Coordinates)
La Guardia, Andrés Ibáñez Province, Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia


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Hospitals in Bolivia

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Questions about this place


by Jatsel Jesica Avila Escobar  3 weeks ago

Me podría dar información sobre las justas vecinales k están cerca del hospital para estar pendiente de las campañas, estuve preguntando pero nadie sabe xfa se lo agradecería mucho

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by Anonymous  1 year ago

Me gustará saber si hay urólogo

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Hospital san silvestre?

by Anonymous  2 years ago

Aque red perteneces el hospital

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Hospitals nearby

Companies and places nearby

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What hotels, hostels and apartments are located near km 15. Hospital San Silvestre?

List of nearest hotels:

Casa Vida located at Condominio Club Campestre, kilometro 13 doble via La Guardia, 3.16 kilometers northeast.

Casa Moneda China located at Kilometro 13 doble via La Guardia, 9999 , 9999 Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 3.18 kilometers northeast.

Suite de la Moneda China located at Condominio Club Campestre, kilometro 13 doble via La Guardia, 3.18 kilometers northeast.

Los Cedros five stars hotel located at Km 23 1/2 antigua Carretera a Cochabamba, 6.42 kilometers southwest.

You can find and book more hotels, hostels and apartments in our interactive hotel map

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